Springs formed on a CNC spring forming machine of my own design. .035" music wire.
 Poursteady is an automated pour-over coffee brewing machine conceived of and built by myself and Mark Sibenac. We are now part of a team of four working to make a company out of it.   poursteady.com
 Designed and built in 2013 for NASA Ames Research Center. Custom electric wheel drives, four wheel steering and averaged suspension.  First field test, Basalt Hills CA, July 2014
 Blink/Steady bicycle taillight, designed and manufactured in house, 2012. 2500 produced.  Buy one!    www.blinksteady.com
 Praxinoscope moving image machine. With  Partner & Partners  and Stephan von Muehlen. For the Antique Boat Museum, Clayton NY. 2014  Video by P&P
 Auto-deploying nonfunctional satellite model, for Trevor Paglen, 2013
 K10 Red after delivery to NASA Ames, 2007. Both robots designed and built in-house.
 Ferrofluid sculpture base, 1018 steel, for Sachiko Kodama, 2010
 Moving out, 2013